First Class of Arden Vickster

Two Weeks Later:

The last two weeks were just the classes from Miss Amelia Thompson and Miss Viola Thompson. Arden Vickster is out on some important task and will be back today.

Old Miss Amelia's classes were very easy and fun while Miss Viola's classes were important and boring. I had to memorize the types of berries and their detailed uses. Luckily for this week, only Arden Vickster will be teaching which would give everyone a break from theory courses.

Elekid has been working hard lately to improve his stamina and has been a productive steady development. We are still far away from mastering Charge but have made significant progress in Light Screen.

Now it takes 6 seconds to put up the barrier. 4 seconds of improvement in 2 weeks is a great advancement. I have been practising sword with Ethan as he is very well versed in it, he was taught by a royal swordsman for nearly 7 years.

Although I end up losing the bout every single time, I also learn a lot. I always try to stick with the basics instead of fancy moves. Forward and sideways slash, parry and defend are the only things I focus on.

Golett has been missing in the last two weeks which only strengthens my assumption that Arden Vickster is the man I met that night.

'Today I will be meeting him, can't wait to see what pokemon he has' I thought internally.

"Hey Arthur, what are you thinking about?" suddenly asked Ethan.

"Nothing, I was thinking if that Arden guy has any students? like direct disciple or something?" I asked in curiosity.

"Not that I know of, I only know that the King's second son was rejected by Arden," he said nonchalantly breaking my plans and expectations.

I desperately want a strong backing because I don't want to serve anyone after I graduate. I heard many civilian and knight graduates get hired into noble families. If that happens then I would have to work for that family for 10-15 years to become independent.

If I go on that path then my independence would be gone. If in case I reject, there's a risk of getting killed unknowingly.

Although I have Ethan for now, I need to keep a back up too. For now, Golett is my only way.


In Class:

Nothing has changed since day 1, except that I made a new friend. He is a civilian guy called Faulkner, his starter is a Sawk. He and my elekid would do mock battles along with Ethan's Munna.

I and Ethan met him during a personal practice session a week ago. He is 5' 5" and is from Accumula town, his parents are common tailors, so he had to work hard to get admission here. He had brownish-black hair and a big nose that made him look a bit weird but who cares.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps outside...

"Yeah, I will be taking over for the whole week. You got a problem?" a familiar voice asked someone.

"N....No, you can take your own time Mister Vickster," said another voice in panic.

Then after five seconds, a six-foot-tall man with a bulky build entered the classroom. He had a military cut blonde hair and a straight thin nose, the most striking feature in him is the multiple marks on his arms. They seem as if he was clawed by an apex predator.

While he walked by my desk,

"Electrician??" I whispered in fake surprise. I whispered in a way that only he can hear it.

Arden Vickster who was walking with a domineering posture immediately stopped in his tracks. He then turned to me and said,

"Oh!!!! good to see you again, Kid. Thanks for babysitting my Golett while I sleep peacefully," he said making me speechless. You could almost see my mouth twitch.

"No problem, but I never thought you will be teaching us and not to say you deceived me into making me think that you are poor," I said trying to ask for compensation.

He came a bit close to my ear and whispered, "Blame your intelligence".

Then he turned towards the other students who were surprised by my casual interaction with Arden.

"Okay, everyone!!!! arrive at the training field. I will start with mock battles and then guide you in the areas you lack after the match," he said and walked out.

"Arthur, how do you know him? Is he your secret Master or something?" asked Faulkner immediately. Ethan also seemed curious as I could see his ears perk up.

"Yeah would be nice if I was. But no, I just met him in the Dorm once, that's all," I said not explaining much.

"Did not seem like a casual dorm meet at all," said a sudden voice behind me. I was startled because the one who said that was Aiden Claude.

Aiden barely talks to civilians or anyone lower than him. He acts like a Saint and never rejects anyone's need for help. But I know that everything he puts up is just a facade. I can effortlessly detect it because I too put these fake smiles when talking with someone above me.

"Master Aiden, why would I even lie about that. Also, how can a civilian from Nuvema town know people like Master Arden Vickster." I said politely shaking my head.

"Nevermind then," he said and walked past.


Training field:

"Battle will be one on one and I will call out the names randomly," said Professor Vickster holding a paper in hand.

"Ok, First up will be Logan Claude and Arthur Jones," he said while smirking at me and then asking us to come forward.

'Ok!!! This seems like a setup'

Logan is a hot-headed guy who is quite the opposite of his twin brother Aiden. If I win, he will get mad and might try some bullshit but if I lose then Elekid confidence level will fall. So, the choice is simple, Elekid is my first preference, so winning is the only option.

We both came forward and shook our hands,

"tsssk, you better watch out before I barbeque your pokemon with my Tepig," Logan said in arrogance.

"Yes, Master Logan. I am looking forward to that" I said and walked back.

"Ok, now that you have taken your positions, release your Pokemon and start," said Professor Vickster.

Logan released his Tepig while I released Elekid...

The moment Elekid came out, he put his hands forward and stood still,

"What is he even doing?" said Logan in a mocking tone.

I had already discussed with Elekid to set up the Light Screen as soon as he comes out. I did not want to waste even a single second the opponent gives me.

"Tepig, use tackle," said Logan while Tepig immediately rubbed his front feet against the ground and ran like a boar.

4 seconds had already passed and I just needed two more seconds which won't be a problem. The field is big and Tepig took three seconds to come close to Elekid,

At the last second, an invisible barrier arose around Elekid, no one had noticed anything except for Ethan and Professor Vickster.

"Elekid dodge using quick attack," I said making Elekid immediately jump up using the force from quick attack.

Tepig missed that tackle by a breadth of a hair.

"you are vulnerable in the air, idiot. Tepig Ember," said Logan.

"Counter with Thundershock," I said immediately.

"Booommmm!!!", the collision caused an explosion and a slight speck of dust rose.

"Tepig, Ember," said Logan in impatience.

"Never mind, pass right through it and use cross chop," I said as I was more assured with the light screen.

"What????" said Logan shocked as he did not expect my command.

"Te pigggg," said tepig and released a small ember.

"Elekid Elekid"

Elekid ran right through the ember with his hands shining in white light, one could catch a glimpse of the Light Screen as ember hits it. The ember brushing with the Light Screen produced mini flint sparks and immediately disintegrated.

[Eat this you pig] shouted Elekid and hit Tepig right in his face.

"Tepigggg", cried tepig as he skidded back to Logan's feet.

" Tepig, get up and tackle..." shouted Logan in half panic and half worry.

"Finish it with thundershock," I said sealing the deal.


"Arthur wins this round," said Arden Vickster in an impressed tone.

Logan returned his Tepig while I patted Elekid for his amazing performance.

"Logan, your mistake was underestimating the opponent and not knowing the details of moves used by Elekid. You did not even realize his Light Screen being cast so you need to work on your attitude and theory," said Arden lecturing Logan.

"As for you, although you had Light Screen, you should not ask your pokemon to just go through the ember. Impatience was your drawback but everything else was flawless," he said pointing out the mistake.

"Yes Sir, I will keep that in mind," I said and turned back.

"Ok, Next..... Ethan Frost and Aiden Claude" he said making me confirm my guess on Professor Vickster setting these matches purposefully.

"All the best," I said patting Ethan.

Ethan walked to his position while Aiden too stood with his everlasting sunshine face and bright orange hair.

"Both of you release your Pokemon and Start," said Professor Vickster.

Aiden released his Snivy while Ethan released Munna.

"Leer," said Aiden in a simple tone.

"Munna, Defense Curl," said Ethan equating the stat changes.

"Snivy, Magical leaf"

Numerous sharp leaves floated as if they were under a psychic's control and flew towards Munna.

"Hypnosis," said Ethan giving up on dodging as you can never dodge magical leaf.

Magical leaf seems like Snivy's egg move. It directly hit Munna while Munna released a wave-like psychic surge.

Maybe the luck wasn't on Ethan's side as snivy did not fall for the hypnosis.

"Use Vine whip and get hold of Munna," said Aiden.

"Snivy Snivy", two tentacle-like vines came out trying to catch Munna.

"Use stored power to deflect them and hypnosis again," said Ethan.

Munna has a very limited option in offence during the early stage so nothing can be done.

"Snivy, immediately use magical leaf and then vine whip from other direction!!!!!" said Aiden losing his cool as he knows if this hypnosis hits then it's over.

Snivy's Magical leaf hit Munna gain while Hypnosis also hit Snivy. But just before snivy fell asleep her vine whip hit Munna knocking Munna out.

"As Snivy is just in the sleep stage, Aiden wins this," said Professor Vickster.

"Ethan Frost, your mistake was....

..... and you!!! Aiden, you had a problem with..." he said giving suggestions in detail.

"Next, Emily and Greg," said the professor.

"Tough luck," I said comforting Ethan as he looked disappointed.

"Yeah, with Munna's speed it is tough to dodge and in the early stage, Munna is weak. Nothing can be done, I will work on her stamina from tomorrow," he said gaining his confidence.






After a whole day, everyone was done with their matches and Arden gave everyone clear and concise explanations.

"Today's classes are done, you guys need to work on the deficiencies soon. In 6 months, the Academy will conduct the yearly tournament. It will be a 2 on 2 for you guys and a 3 on 3 for the second year students. Try hard, because the rewards given are insanely good that even I feel tempted to participate," he said giving us great motivation for training.

"Yes, Sir" we replied in unison.

--------Chapter End---------

Note: I added an Auxiliary chapter that has the info on levels and abilities. You can check that chapter, also the Normal-type ability has been added.

I gave a reference to levels in numbers like in the games for readers to relate it more easily, but in the story, I would only use the names of the level, not the number itself.

Also don't mind the grammatical errors in this chapter. I am very busy today and have no time to proofread it.