Chapter 21 The Town

Waking up the next morning, John left Amy to sleep by herself. He walked out of the tent and walked into a clearing to train, he did pushups, sit up, squats, and pull ups, doing 300 of each. While he was doing this, he noticed that Maggie had left the house and was discreetly looking at him, she could see his chiseled abs since he took his shirt of, only wearing some sweatpants.

He looked at her, and he had to say, she was beautiful. She had that farmgirl charm, along with her silky brown hair and green eyes. Her face extremely beautiful, and she had curves in all the right places. Some nice tits and a grabbable ass.

She looked at him, until she remembered that she had to do her daily chores.

After John had finished, he went to a clean well and used some water to clean himself. He then walked back to camp, going inside his tent, putting on a green t shirt, black jeans, and his vest. He put two of the empty mags into his bag before taking the loaded mags and putting them in the vest.

All geared up, John walks out of the tent and saw that Maggie had a horse with her. Walking over to her and asking why, she tells John she is going to town. John hearing this says he will go with her. She asked him if he could ride a horse and he replied with a yes. They head back to the stables and ready another horse, then they hop onto their horses and start to leave. Lori had come to him with a list of things to get for the group and also a private list.

Hershel had seen them leaving and had an undiscernible expression on his face.

Riding down the road towards the town, John talks to Maggie, they have a good conversation for a while, but soon John starts to tell her the story of how they got here. He starts from the beginning and pauses every now and then, when Maggie would ask him questions.

Hearing about the CDC, Maggie perks up, but soon her shoulders slump and she looks a little sad. John seeing her this way, felt a pain in his heart for some reason, he had always liked her as a character on the show. He didn't expect to feel so much for her after just meeting her. Trying to hear her up, John tells her a shitty joke, to which she gave a snarky remark.

John seeing this was a little bummed that she didn't like his joke, but when he saw that she was now back to normal, he smiled at her. Receiving a small smile back.

When they reached the town, Maggie knew of his entire journey through the apocalypse. She was a little upset when she heard of him killing walkers, but she soon gave up on trying to convince John that they are people. It seems that her belief of the walkers being people, is weak.

Riding to a small pharmacy, they tie their horses to a wooden bench. They walk up to the entrance and John can see a sign in the window, it says, "Take what you need, leave what you don't". Entering, John and Maggie split up, John walking around the pharmacy taking what he saw on the list. Maggie going into the back, looking for some medicine that her family needs.

As Maggie finished, she walked up to John, and he was coincidentally holding a box of condoms. Seeing this she tries to tease him, but that doesn't work on him, since he is not a virgin. Even in his previous life he didn't die a virgin. He teases her back and makes her blush, slightly upset and needing to relieve some "stress". She grabs John's hand and takes him into a back room.

The door closes and you can hear loud sensual moans coming from inside the room, along with deep groans.

After about an hour John and Maggie comes out with happy faces, Maggie's "stress" completely gone. John says something and is then berated by Maggie, she calls him a brute while pouting. Seeing her pout, John pinches her ass, making her yelp. She glares at him, but he doesn't pay attention to it, she vows to get her revenge at some point.

Walking out of the pharmacy, they see the horse standing there. They untie the horse and ride a little further into town, coming to a store. They walk inside and Maggie says she has to find something. John leaves her to her business as he continues to look for a pregnancy test, surprisingly he couldn't find a single one at the pharmacy. Looking around for a while he finally finds some, taking them into his bag. Seeing as he is already at the store he grabs some prenatal vitamins as well, knowing that Lori will not be able to abort the baby.

Suddenly he hears a high pitch yell, Maggie screaming, "JOHN HELP, HELP, JOHN PLEASE HELP ME, JOHN." John hearing her scream, sprints through the store, arriving near her in seconds. John saw Maggie struggling on the floor, trying to fight off a walker. John sprinting to her side, kicks the walker hard on the side of its torso, sending it flying away from Maggie.

John then runs up to it while pulling his buck knife out, fiercely stabbing it in the head. He then runs to Maggie again, Maggie sobbing flings herself into John's embrace. Crying on his shoulder for a few minutes, she calms down while John was gently rubbing her small back. She felt so scared and almost fell to despair, but John came charging over like a knight saving his princess from the evil dragon.

Seeing that she had calm down, John let Maggie out of his embrace. Maggie blushing lightly says that they should stop for today, with John agreeing because she had just experienced quite a shock. Going to the entrance, they exit the store and untie their horses before riding back to the farm. Conversing the whole way back, they arrive at the gate of the farm opening and closing it as they enter, they ride the horses back to the stable before John helps her take the heavy saddles off. Leaving the stables, they say a quick goodbye to each other. Maggie going to her house, while John walks to the camp.

It was late in the afternoon, so John decides to hang out with Amy for a while before he starts to play with the kids. Chasing them around, the group was happy to see that the very fierce John, had a soft side to him.

While John was playing with the kids Maggie had already entered her house. She was confronted by her dad, getting into an argument. Hershel upset that Maggie was getting so close to John. He said, "Bad enough I have to chase Beth and Jimmy around. Now I have to chase you around as well?"

Maggie hearing this gets upset and says, "I think I'm a little too old for this conversation dad.", she then stomps away to her room upstairs.

Hershel seeing this, sighs, thinking 'At least she chose a dependable man. You better be good to my little girl John". Hershel then hears some noise outside, so he walks to the window and looks outside. What he saw put a smile on his face, seeing John play with the kids Hershel knew Maggie had picked a good man.

Back to John, chasing the kids around for a while John got bored so he started to teach the kids some self-defense, teaching them different stances and block and also when to counterattack. The kids learned quickly, but they had to stop because they were getting tired, and John didn't want them to injure themselves.

During this time John had also dragged Amy over, teaching her as well. He had to say she was a natural when it came to fighting, she had a very high talent, but she was somewhat meek. But she had gotten a lot bolder, after getting together with John.

John then sat down at the fire with Amy, eating their food. While eating, John overheard Carol say that the girls were going to make a meal for Hershel and his family tomorrow night. When everyone was done eating, they stated towards their tent, John discreetly gave Lori the pregnancy test and prenatal vitamin.

John then went to his tent where Amy was waiting for him, hugging her close to him. Looking into her eyes, John told her how he had sex with Maggie. Amy got upset and slapped him in the face, she was about to run out of the tent with tears in her eyes. But John grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. He then kissed her, pulling back he looked her in the eye and said, "I love you!".

Amy calms down, although upset, hearing this genuine confession, she sat down, and they had a conversation. John told her that he would have more than one girl in the future, but he would love her the same and would never leave her, he told her that he would never let anyone, or anything hurt her. Amy was able to accept that John would have a harem, but she said that he would have to always love her and never leave her. John immediately agreed, without hesitation.

With that talk out of the way John hugged Amy, he kissed her once more before they went to sleep.