Chapter 52 John's Baby

Everyone was enjoying themselves and getting to know each other. John was standing with his wives, Victoria was also with them, she was holding Charlie. To be honest, John was just there, and the girls were the ones talking. It was getting late, and the people started going back to their cells, when suddenly John hears water hitting the floor near him.

John looked down and saw a puddle of water on the ground under Amy. Seeing this, John immediately jumped into action and called for Jack and another Android, Peggy. The Androids came over and walked with John as he carried Amy over to a cell, he then lay her on the bed. The Androids check on her as time goes by, soon Amy was squeezing John's hand and being told to push. Amy was pushing, just as hard as she was crushing John's hand.

John felt barely anything though as he stood by her and comforted and praised her. Soon after some yelling, the Android pulled out a baby from Amy's vagina. The Android said, "Congratulations, you have a healthy baby girl." The Android then cleaned the baby before it handed the baby to Amy. John knelt beside her, looking at the cute baby girl, his little daughter. She was so small and precious, she had strands of blonde hair and Amy's blue eyes.

John looked at Amy lovingly as he said, "What shall we name her?"

Amy looked at John with happy tears in her eyes, she said, "How about Cassandra. Cassy for short."

John nodded and said, "That's a great name." John then kissed Amy on the lips, Amy then handed John Cassy. John held Cassy and she felt like nothing in his hands, she was so small and cute, she had Amy's features, but she also resembled him faintly.

John kissed his daughter head as he whispered, "I won't let anything happen to you." John handed Cassy back to Amy and watched as Amy began to feed Cassy.

John then left the cell and saw Maggie standing there with a smile, but suddenly her water broke as well. John led her into the cell next to Amy's and the same process began with Maggie. About four hours later, Maggie was covered in sweat as she pushed one final time. This caused the baby inside her to come out and into the Androids hands.

The Android cleaned the baby with a towel before saying, "Congratulations, you had a healthy baby boy."

The Android then handed the baby to Maggie who was crying tears of joy. She held the baby to her chest as she asked John, "What should we name our baby boy?"

John said to her while rubbing her hand, "My father's name was Joseph, how about that. Little Joey" Maggie nodded as she held Joey to her chest, Joey was feeding like there was no tomorrow. Joey had all of his facial features, and his hair was black. But the boy had Maggie's beautiful green eyes. John held baby Joey, after he had finished feeding. John looked down at him and watched Joey smiles at him and hold his finger.

John observed his boy for a while longer before he handed him back to Maggie. John then kissed Maggie as she went to sleep, he took Joey from her embrace to let her rest. John then walked over to Amy's cell and saw that Amy was still up. John sat on a chair beside her as they talked for a while. Amy then handed Cassy over to John before she went to sleep.

John sat in the chair holding both of his children. It was the middle of the night now and his whole family was sleeping. John held them all night long and, in the morning, Alicia came inside, along with Victoria. Alicia held Joey in her arms, while John talked to them. Soon Amy woke up and started talking with them as well. John then helped Amy stand up and they walked over to Maggie's cell.

Maggie and Andrea both held each other's baby, and they were talking about how they look like John. Victoria and Alicia were also talking with them. Soon both babies woke up, and they fed them. Then John helped both Amy and Maggie into the main room, they were greeted by everyone, and everyone said congratulations. Sarah who had stayed with Carol last night came over to them while they were eating and looked at the babies. Then she sat on John's lap and ate her breakfast with them.

John then spent the rest of the day with his women, Victoria had officially become John's woman as well, so they all spent time together, as a family. John took his family outside and they walked through the yard. They passed by the garden, well it was pretty much a farm, it took up nearly half of the yard.

Looking at the plants, they saw a couple of colorful butterflies. One of them landed on Cassy and she smiled at it. It was such a cute scene. They continued to walk around for an hour, John had changed Joey and Cassy's diapers and he got peed on a little by Joey. His women laughed when they saw it happen, Joey was smiling at John. John smiled back at him and when he was all clean, John kissed his stomach. Joey laughed and grabbed John's hair.

John then picked him back up and walked over to the group they were still smiling at him. They then continued their time together. Eventually, evening came once again, and they all headed inside to have dinner. Eating some chicken that they had taken from a farm nearby.

They had many animals now, on the opposite side of the farm, in the yard there was a wood fence area that had different animal in different sections. There was also a chicken coop near the fence in area. They had bread many animals and they now had, 25 chickens, 6 cows, 8 pigs, and 4 sheep.

After everyone had finished eating, they all went to a room they had renovated. It had enough room for all of them and three cribs for the babies. There were two king size bed joined together, more than enough room for John and all his women, plus Sara. There was also a table in the room big enough for six people to sit at.

John, Amy, and Victoria placed their kids into the cribs. Then they all lay down on the bed, and slept together, Sarah was snuggled in between John and Maggie. In the middle of the night, John woke up when he heard Joey stir, he got out of bed quietly and went over to him. Then he picked him up and fed him some milk, then Joey fell asleep.

Then John placed Joey back in his crib and looked at both Cassy and Charlie. Charlie was sleeping soundly, but Cassy was up and looked at him. John picked her up and held her, as he whispered a lullaby to her, it was about ponies. Cassy soon fell asleep, and John placed her back in her crib. John rubbed her stomach for a second before he went back to bed and lay down again.