Chapter 64 Veterinary College

Walking into the building holding flashlights, they looked around inside the building. Michonne and Ty stayed outside to stand guard. John wasn't holding a flashlight as he was still wearing those night vision contacts. They saw some shelve and on the were some things that any small gas station/auto shop would have. On the shelves were different oils for cars, anti-freeze, washer fluid, air fresheners, pretty much any basic thing you would need for a car.

Walking through a doorway, they came inside of a workshop area. John looked around at the tools, while Daryl went over to some shelves and checked for a battery that would work for the truck. Daryl found a battery and started to look at the power cells, Bob looked at them and said, "The cell look pretty dry."

Daryl says, "A little distilled water will clear that right up." John grabbed a screwdriver, as they would need it to take the old battery out of the truck. They then walked up to the front of the store again and Daryl found some distilled water to wet the battery's cells. John grabbed some aur fresheners, because why not.

Daryl looked at the floor and saw some puke next to a bottle and said, "Those douchebags from the vines took themselves out. Kumbaya style."

Bob says, "Those people wanted to go out together. That makes them douchebags?"

Daryl says, "It does if they could have gotten out."

Bob says, "Everybody makes it, till they don't. People nowadays are dominoes. What they did, maybe it's about not having to watch them fall."

Daryl says, "Right." They then walk some more and see a walker, pinned on the ground. Daryl walks off and Bob looks at a picture on the wall, then he kills the walker with a heavy heart. Daryl comes outside and saw that John was already outside and had the hood open.

John had already taken the old battery out after unscrewing 2 clamps. John took the battery from Daryl before he started to put the new one in. While John was working on the minivan, he overheard Daryl talking with Bob.

Daryl said, "You never told us about the group you were with before."

Bob said, "Which one?" Daryl looked like he had an epiphany.

Bob continued, "You know, when you found me on that road. I almost kept walking."

Daryl said, "Why is that?"

Bob explained, "Because I was done being a witness. Two times, two different groups. I was the last one standing. Like I was supposed to see it happen over and over, like it's some kind of curse." Bob and Daryl then took a big puff of their cigarettes.

Bob then said, "But, when it's just you out there with the quiet... Used to be I'd drink a bottle of anything just so I could shut my eyes at night. Figured the prison, the people, thought it would be easier. The run to the big spot, I did it for me."

Daryl said, "Gotta keep busy."

Bob said, "I did it so I could get me a bottle. Of anything. I picked it up, I held it in my hand, but I put it down. I put it down so hard it took down the whole damn shelf with it. That's what brought on the walkers, and that's what got Zack killed."

Daryl said, "That's bullshit."

John said, "Alright finished. Try and start her up." Daryl got into the truck and started to hotwire it. The minivan started up with no problem at all.

Daryl walked up to the driver door and said, "Sasha and me picked that spot. There ain't no way anyone could have known. You ain't gonna be standing alone, not no more. Let's go." John shut the hood of the minivan and got in the backseat. He leaned forward and hung the air freshener from the mirror.

Michonne who saw this gave John a look, but he just said, "What?" Michonne then looked away. When everyone was in, they started to drive off, putting this whole side adventure to a close.

When they got almost to their destination, they ditched the van in a good location. They hopped out and started to walk, they did this so they could draw less attention from any walkers or potential hostile humans. They walked for about 20 minutes before they neared their target, they passed by many brick buildings and saw all the vine and bushes that were growing out of control.

They walked down the street at a moderate pace and Ty said, "The building we want is just up ahead."

They walked for a while longer and entered one of the bigger brick buildings in the area. They entered a door, and it made a creaking sound, they sped up as they continued forward. All of them had their weapons ready, they were ready for any walkers that might pop out at them.

They walked into a lab room and saw row of tables, some of them had stuff on them and there was a chalk board near the door. John walked up to the board and pushed up imaginary glasses saying to his group, "Alright class, take your seats and let's begin our lesson."

The whole group looked at John weirdly, but Bob laughed a little, getting the joke. John finished with his little moment started to search around for anything useful. The rest also did the same, searching the tops of desks and shelves. When they finished, they walked out another door at the back of the class, Bob was in the back and was following from behind.

They walked through the halls for a little while and finally arrived at what looked to be a medicine lock-up. The shelves inside the room were filled to the brim by bottles and bottles of different medicines. Bob said, "Anything ending with -cillin or -cin is what we are looking for. CIN. Grab it. We'll dissolve the pills in the IVs, put 'em right into the bloodstream. Dosage will be tricky but considering the time we lost..."

John grabbed multiple big bottles of antibiotics and also painkillers for the future. When John finishes the black duffle John had been filled some. A couple second later, Daryl and Ty who had gone off to look for some other things came into the room, holding bags. Bob asked Daryl and Ty, "How'd you do?'

Ty said, "Bags, tubes, clamps, connectors. Everything on the list."

Daryl said, "What about y'all"

John answered, "We got what we came for and then some."

Bob agreed, "Yep." Michonne just nodded.

Hearing this, Daryl said, "Alright, let's roll." Everyone then made their way out of the room. They walked down a hallway that had electrical cables falling out of the ceiling. They were holding flashlights as the building was quite dark in the areas that had no windows. They walked all the way down the hall, but Daryl saw something and shushed them, he saw some walker and heard some snarling from inside. seeing this Daryl led them quickly towards a door that had a sign for exit. Walkers had started to follow from behind them, but they were still nowhere near them.

The room they walked into was very dark and it was hard to see for the rest of the group, but John saw clearly that it was some type of storage room as there were some shelve, gray lockers and there were cages littered all around them. Bob was in front of a door and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. Bob said, "Door's busted."

Daryl went over and tried to help Bob. John seeing this led them over to a door that had a stairs sign hanging over it. However, on the way a walker popped out and tried to grab Ty, but he reacted quickly and smashed its skull in.

When they were all in front of the door for the stairs however, they saw that it had been chained shut. Michonne rattled the chains, but the door was immediately pressed against by walkers. The walkers from before that had the same virus, were coming towards them. Ty said, "We can take them".

But Bob immediately disagreed saying, "No! They're infected. Same as at the prison. We fire at 'em, get their blood on us, breathe it in. We didn't come all this way to get sick as well."

Ty said, "How do you know the one in there are any different?"

Michonne said, "We don't."

Daryl said, "Well, it's gotta change sometime." John then gets ready to cut the chains that hold the door shut.

John says, "Ready?" Everyone nods and with a powerful strike, John cut through the chains with his axe. The door is pushed open by three walkers, which were taken care of quickly by Bob and Michonne, they then go in and run up the stairs. The stairwell was lit by the sunlight coming from some windows, the walkers from before began to follow after them slowly, just making it to the door as the group was far up the stairs.

They entered a door and ran through a hallway lined with classrooms. Walkers came shambling out as the group made their way through the hallway. John who had stayed in the back, killed multiple walkers that were coming from behind. Michonne had killed some walkers that came out from in front of them as well.

John saw Daryl tried to kick a door down, but it didn't budge it was a steal door for a reason. Seeing this Daryl and Ty broke the window next to it. The group jumped out of the window as John kicked back any walkers that got to close.

They had to make a 4-foot jump to a walkway, the rest jumped and then John hopped out as well landing easily on the walkway. Bob did not land right and his bag went over the edge he didn't let go however. Daryl and Ty had to pull him up, but the walkers were making it difficult. Ty said, "Let it go, man. Just let it go."

Daryl said, "Let go of the bag, man."

Bob did not listen to them though and kept pulling on the bag, he did eventually successfully pull it up. But as it hit the walkway, it made a clinking sound. Daryl looked inside his bag and found only a bottle of liquor, there was no medicine in his bag. Daryl said as he glared at Bob, "You got no meds in your bag. Just this?"

Seeing and hearing this John was furious, he had forgotten about this. He walked over to Bob and grabbed him by the shirt and picked him up with one arm. John dangled Bob over the edge as the rest looked on in worry, they were mad but they didn't want to kill him. When John picked him up he tried to pull his pistol, but John took it out.

Daryl who was just as pissed as John said, "You should have kept walking that day." Daryl then through the bottle of liquor off into the distance. The bottle hit the ground and shattered immediately. Ty stopped John from dropping Bob off the edge, saying, "Let it go John. The man made his choice. Nothing you can do about it."

John then kept Bob's pistol as he set him back on the walkway saying, "You're dead to me. I hear of something like this again, and I'll kill you slowly." John eyes were in a full glow, and it was like a fire was in his eye, changing between yellow, orange, and red. Bob couldn't even look in John direction, his eyes were glued to the ground. John then walked away from bob, his eyes calming down a little to a light-yellow hue.

Bob said, "I didn't want to hurt nobody. It was just for when it gets quiet."

Daryl who was still upset, said, "I see you drink any alcohol, and I will beat you into the ground." Daryl then followed John and hopped down onto an overhang that was over the entrance of the building. When everyone was down, John hopped onto the ground and cleared the walkers in the area. John completely destroyed the walkers venting his anger towards them. He cut walkers into literal halves as he killed them. Bob who saw this was shaking violently, just thinking about what John would do to him.

The rest of the group then followed after him, jumping down onto the ground. They then followed John as he jogged back to the van, slashing any walker that dared to get close to him, violently. The group who hadn't seen John in action, remembered why he was, who he was. Daryl was the only one unaffected as he still remembered John from the beginning. Of course, Daryl was not used to John killing with such ferociousness. He remembered John was a little more restrained before, he thought, 'John's trips out must have changed him some. I don't know if it is good or bad yet, I'll have to keep an eye out.'

They arrived at the car and John sat in the back and Daryl sat in the driver seat, while Bob, Ty, and Michonne stood a way away, discussing their route back. Ty came over and said, "We're taking Highway 100."

Daryl said, "I heard." They then all got in, Bob made the wise decision to sit in the front. Michonne was sat in between John and Ty, but she didn't complain. They then started to drive back, they would have to stop to find gas, but they would manage.

They made it back to the prison about 1 hour and 40 minutes later. They quickly brought the medicine over to the doctors before they went their separate ways. John went over to his rooms door and looked through the glass. His women saw him and came over with happy smiles and showed him Joey, Cassy, and Charlie. They were all just fine and Amy and Maggie who were more susceptible because of their pregnancy recovery were just fine because they had stayed away from everyone.

John talked to them through the glass for about an hour, Sarah came over and they started to play some games on the glass together. John who had been so angry, quickly became calm and peaceful when he was around his family.

John then said goodbye to them as he tried to go take a shower, he had gotten a lot of walker blood on him from using the axe. Sarah protested and made him stay a couple minutes later. Finally free John walked off to take shower with a smile on his face. John changed into some gray jeans and a yellow shirt, keeping his black boots on.

John then walked out and over to cell block A, he talked to one of the Androids and found that the people were already getting better after they received the medicine.