Hessy's efforts paid off but unfortunately, it still was not enough. "Huh, with a tongue like that, no wonder that you are in a drought season" Liza replied while nodding her head as if she indeed realized the reason for Hessy's dry spell

"You two, knock it off. We are here to play not fight like two years old kids. Besides, the two of you will team up. Boys versus girls" Evren said with an eyeroll 

There is a time and place to fight and there is also another place to enjoy and have fun which was this place

"You mean girls versus gays?" Liza retorted with a laugh. Her comeback was so funny it also made Hessy laugh but as soon as she realizes what she was doing, the woman immediately stops and look to the side as if nothing happened 

Hessy was too late though as her laugh were already heard and seen by her archenemy causing Liza to sneer at her