Please explain how Azarel even fell for such a ridiculous guy in the first place!!

His temper flared to the point that he even hit the back of Evren's head

"At least say something believable!" Azarel said with a face red from anger

How can Evren be this ridiculous at such a sensitive time?!

The poor Evren on the other hand stared at his boyfriend with invisible tears in his eyes

"I was just trying to help!" He justified in a wronged tone as if Azarel just bullied him

"Please just come with us Sir Evren and no one would get hurt" one of the men in black spoke again

His words might sound sincere but on Evren's stand point, how would he even believe such a ridiculous thing?

These people suddenly surrounded them without prior notice and he wants Evren to quietly surrender? What kind of idiot would actually surrender?!