Azarel is not a person that is scum enough to demand sex with someone that just got kidnapped!

Just how morally black does Evren thinks he is?! This bastard is really annoying!

"Are you sure you are not lying?" Evren asks doubtfully, giving Azarel an urge to smack his face down the table

Even at this point, Evren is still doubting him? Just what kind of image does Azarel have in Evren's mind

"If you don't shut up and eat, I'll force that chicken dumstrick into your throat, including the bones!" Azarel said with a glare and Evren raised his arms in surrender

"Fine, fine, I'm just making sure" he said casually before eating again as if he was given pardon 

"Fuck my life… what do I do to deserve this?" Azarel muttered under his breath

How is it possible that he fell inlove with perhaps the most annoying man that this world has ever birthed?

Azarel was lamenting the fate he have before he continue staring at the eating Evren