Chapter 1: The Birthday Gift is a Son (1)

******Prologue: The Birthday Gift is a Son******

In Bellshire, Chanaea, at 10:30 pm, the Magnificent, a grand establishment, stood in the most bustling location, dazzling with its extravagance at every turn.

At this moment, the lamplight in Room 1001 was suddenly extinguished, and the noisy room instantly became silent.

The room was quiet for about five seconds before the closed private booth door was pushed open from the outside. Someone slowly entered, pushing a two-layer cake while singing, "Happy birthday to you..."

As if infected by the melody, the people inside the room started to sing along. They sang the birthday song in both Chinese and English. At the end, someone shouted loudly, "The birthday boy can blow out the candles now!"

Then, a man was pushed in front of the cake.

The man was tall and slender, with an elegant demeanor. Although he was only wearing a simple white shirt, he still exuded an irresistible aura of nobility that poured out of his being.

"Percy, before blowing out the candles, make a wish first—" someone else in the crowd yelled."

Percy nodded slightly, staring at the candles in silence for a moment, then bent down and opened his mouth to blow. However, before he could expel the breath, there was a knock on the door, accompanied by a respectful statement, "Excuse me, is there someone named Percy here?"

Percy frowned and slowly turned his body to look at the doorstep.

Standing at the doorstep was an attendant from the Magnificent. Seeing that Percy was looking at him, he immediately walked up to Percy with a rectangular gift box and said, "There is a birthday gift for you. Please inspect the goods and sign for it."

Percy nodded and opened the box calmly. However, when he saw the "gift" inside the box, he froze, unable to comprehend what he was seeing.

Someone in the room waited for a while, and when Percy remained unresponsive, they stepped forward. At the sight of the "gift," they were instantly taken aback and exclaimed with a low "ah!"

Soon, others gathered around as well. Once everyone saw the "gift" inside, their expressions were all one of utter astonishment.

The room became quiet for a whole ten seconds before it suddenly exploded with questions.

"Percy, what on earth is going on?"

"Yeah, Percy, how could this happen? What kind of birthday gift is this?"

"Percy, didn't you take precautions when you were fooling around with a woman?"


Percy remained silent amidst the chaos around him. However, his hand holding the gift box began to tremble, turning pale with the force he was exerting.

His eyes flickered with cold anger as he stared at the so-called "gift" in his hands—a baby!

The baby should have been just born, with a pacifier in its mouth, sleeping quietly in the box. Next to the baby's small head, there was a card that read: I am your son!

Upon seeing those five words, Percy's face remained calm and composed but emitted a hint of coldness beneath his expression.

Who would be so heartless as to place such a cruel prank on him on his twentieth birthday?

Without acknowledging the crowd behind him, Percy's cold eyes stared at the box in his hands and walked out of the private booth straight to the hospital for a paternity test.

However, seven days later, when the paternity test results came back, the baby's DNA matched with Percy's by 99.9%.

This result confirmed without a doubt that the baby was indeed Percy's biological son!

At that moment, Percy was dumbfounded, and his heart filled with disbelief.