Chapter 5: The Birthday Gift is a Son (5)

The little boy entered Isabel Smith's home, took off the school bag he was carrying on his back, placed it on the floor, and then scampered off to the restroom.

When the little boy came out of the restroom, Isabel was sitting on the sofa playing on her mobile phone. The boy walked up to her, well-behaved, and spoke earnestly, "Older Sister, thank you."

Isabel was amused by the little boy's solemn tone, smiled, put down her phone, and said to the boy, "You're welcome, Handsome Young Man."

Hearing Isabel's praise, the little boy's delicate face suddenly turned red, and he shyly lowered his head before gently saying, "Older Sister, you're very beautiful too."

Isabel was indeed very beautiful. With her tall height, great figure, and attractive face, she would always turn heads whenever in public. She had received numerous compliments since she was young and had long grown accustomed to them. However, being praised by a five or six-year-old boy now made her heart suddenly soften, and her smile grew even warmer. Her voice also sounded much gentler, "What's your name, Handsome Young Man?"

"Raymond Thompson. Raymond, like wise and smart." The little boy confidently told her his name and then asked, "What about you, Older Sister?"

Following the boy's lead, Isabel used a word describing "emotion" for her last name and said, "My name is Isabel Smith, deep in emotion."

Children's thoughts were unique. Raymond felt that their names, one full of emotions and one depths of emotions, brought them closer and made Isabel more approachable than other women. He eagerly asked, "Can I call you Sister Isabel?"

Just as Isabel was about to nod, Raymond's phone began to ring.

Raymond frowned, seemingly unhappy that his conversation with Sister Isabel was interrupted. He reluctantly pulled out his phone, saw the caller ID, and hesitantly answered, saying dutifully, "Father."

After a brief pause, Raymond gave an "Mhm" and hung up the phone. He then looked up at Isabel and said sensibly, "Sister Isabel, my dad is waiting for me downstairs. We're going to eat together, so I have to go."

Isabel picked up Raymond's bag, stood up, and walked him to the door.

Raymond took his bag, reluctantly turned around, and waved to Isabel, "Sister Isabel, I'm leaving, goodbye." He glanced at the shining mobile phone screen in Isabel's hand.

Isabel smiled and waved back, "Goodbye, Handsome Young Raymond."

Raymond's face turned red again, and he quickly turned his head, embarrassed, and ran towards the elevator.

Isabel stood in the doorway, watching Raymond enter the elevator before closing the door. Gradually, the smile on her face faded.

She wasn't someone who easily became close to others; on the contrary, her privileged upbringing since childhood had made her somewhat arrogant and less approachable. However, today, she didn't know why, but she found the little boy named Raymond especially endearing.

She couldn't help but want to be close to him.

Even she was surprised by this emotion, but after her initial surprise, her explanation was that maybe it was because her child was taken away by someone and had now reached the same age as Raymond. She was drawn to Raymond because of her own child.

Only she didn't know what her child looked like now, whether he was doing well, and whether he was just like that little boy - sensible, adorable, and pretty enough to please others.