Chapter 243: The Poisonous Mango (12)

The autumn in Bellshire was exceptionally short; just a few days into autumn, more than half of the leaves in the city had already fallen, and the temperature dropped rapidly.

In the following week, Isabel Smith had been busy with her work at Smith Corporation.

Evelyn Osbert, since the incident at Elijah Smith's birthday banquet, had indeed stopped causing minor troubles for Isabel Smith.

Life had been relatively smooth and uneventful.

The ninth day after Elijah Smith's birthday was Isabel Smith's birthday, which happened to fall on a weekend.

That day, Isabel woke up very early. Before the sky was bright, she crawled out of bed, took a bath, and put on the black clothes she had prepared the day before. Then, she went downstairs and headed to the Flower Market.

Isabel picked a large bunch of chrysanthemums and some carnations. After paying for them, she held the flowers and went to the suburban cemetery.