Chapter 262: Unintentional Care and Concern (11)

Afterwards, she opened the floor-to-ceiling window and turned, pacing back and forth anxiously on the balcony.

What if she returned to the bedroom and Percy Stanton continued with what he was saying just now?

She never expected that her signing him on had anything to do with their encounter six years ago.. He had just said that six years ago, she had let him.. The following words were interrupted by Elijah Smith's sudden call, and she didn't quite catch them. However, six years ago at Starhaven University, there were too many people pursuing her and confessing their love to her. She wasn't above using those people to do things for her, but she couldn't remember who was who anymore..

In her heart, there was Marion Hancock, even though she didn't know his full name, she didn't know where he was. But in her heart, she never gave up, thinking that one day, she would meet him again.

That was the only beautiful fantasy in her life now.