Chapter 477: You Promised I Still Have You (19)

After saying that, Percy called the attendant over, paid the bill, and then turned his head, giving Isabel a warm smile, saying, "Let's go."

Too many things happened tonight. By now, Isabel knew all of it was true, but she was still struggling to digest it all. So, on the way home, there wasn't much conversation between her and Percy.

Isabel sat in the passenger seat, lost in her thoughts, while Percy seemed to focus on driving, with his own thoughts as well.

It wasn't until they reached the underground parking lot below their apartment building that Percy said to Isabel, "We're here. You can get out."

Isabel didn't speak, just opened the car door, got out, and the two of them continued to enter the elevator without speaking and went upstairs.

When Isabel reached her apartment's doorstep, took out the key, opened the door, and was about to step inside, Percy suddenly called out to her, "Isabel."

Isabel turned around and looked at Percy.