Chapter 491: You Promised I Still Have You (33)

Isabel didn't know why Percy Stanton called her in the middle of the night, but the phone call kept her up most of the night. It wasn't until the early morning that she finally fell asleep.

However, she did not know that, unable to understand how wonderful Bellshire actually was, Percy returned to Ravenwood City overnight with his son, only to return to Bellshire City before the 15th.

This time, when he returned to Bellshire City, Percy was not expecting to work there. He planned to take over Thompson Empire Group at the end of February. However, Percy chose his workplace in Bellshire, as the scope of Thompson Empire Group was pretty vast, and he even brought a male assistant from Ravenwood City on a special assignment.

He still lived in the same apartment as before. As soon as they arrived at the 18th floor via elevator, Raymond Thompson, with his school bag on his back, excitedly ran to the door of Isabel's apartment and knocked on it with all his strength.