Hypnosis Treatment

After school, Nian Yue packed her bag and said to Wang Zhizhi with raised eyebrows, "Let's go to the hospital."

Wang Zhizhi's mother was still in the hospital for chemotherapy. Today was her day of visit.

Wang Zhizhi's originally calm face cracked. Then, as if she thought of something, she happily followed behind.

Madam Wang was in a sanatorium in Jiang City. The facilities in the nursing home weren't perfect. At most, it was considered average.

Madam Wang was a woman in her thirties. Her face was worn out from years of hard work, making her look like she was in her forties.

However, Madam Wang exuded a gentle aura. When she was young, she would have been an educated beauty.

"Mom, let me introduce you. This is my classmate, Nian Yue." Wang Zhizhi happily introduced her to Madam Wang.