Third in the Entire Server!

Lin Nan and Wang Zhizhi followed her.

This was a group match with four people on each side. Nian Yue sat on the main seat, and beside her sat Lin Nan, Wang Zhizhi, and another boy from Class A.

The four of them logged into the account together. The others all had their own nicknames. Only Nian Yue had a bunch of numbers. That was the original code given when she first registered her account.

Looking at the string of numbers, Lin Nan was completely convinced. Nian Yue had only registered an account, so she probably hadn't played much.

Yan Feizheng was sitting on the stage with his laptop in his arms as he dealt with the company's matters. The other team members who had followed him did not even look up as they lowered their heads to deal with their own matters.

Watching such a beginner-level battle was simply a waste of time for them.

What they needed was the team that would win in the end.