Special Words

"You've improved a lot," Nian Yue said to Lin Nan.

She had never spoken much, let alone praise him.

"Thank you, Sister Yue." Lin Nan was as happy as a child.

Nian Yue had a cold personality. It was almost impossible to hear a compliment from her.

"You're welcome." Nian Yue turned around and walked alongside him on the field. "You still can't keep up with the pace. I'll practice with you sometime."

Lin Nan had some foundation in Taekwondo but it would not amount to much if he really faced a desperate situation. He wouldn't be able to hold up.

"Okay!" Lin Nan was eager to try. He knew that Nian Yue's kung fu was good. With Nian Yue as his teacher, he would not do too badly.

However, he would definitely be beaten up by her.

The two of them walked to the corner and found the silence around them disconcerting.