Do You Know How to Fly a Plane? (2)

"You ill-mannered thing, who let you in!" Lin Yan stood up and wanted to scold her, but she felt her neck tighten. Unknowingly, the girl who was at the door just now had already arrived in front of her. She even reached out and grabbed her neck!

"Shut up."

There was a hint of ruthlessness in the girl's eyes. When she saw the blood on Lin Nan's forehead, her eyes were filled with gloom.

"Who hit you?" Her voice was cold.

The surroundings were so quiet that the sound of a pin dropping could be heard. Lin Yan, who had her neck grabbed by Nian Yue, turned paler.

"You?" Nian Yue raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Lin Yan with a hint of playfulness.

Then, she exerted force and the person she was holding had already landed lightly on the ground.

Everyone present was shocked by her actions for a long time.

"I designed it." Nian Yue sneered. "If you want to take the copyright, look for me."