Do You Know How to Fly a Plane? (4)

"No, Miss Nian, this is a plane, not a car…" Lu Yong could not help but remind her. He knew how Nian Yue liked to race.

"I know…" Nian Yue's voice was cold as she went straight to the driver's seat."Change it to the autopilot mode first…"

With current technology, planes could already operate automatically

The driver could not help but take another look at her. "Miss Nian, do you have a pilot's license? This is not a car. If we make a mistake, we will lose our lives…"

Nian Yue was just a young lady who had yet to reach adulthood. Even though she was wearing this military uniform, it could not hide the stern aura she exuded.

"Then how confident are you that we can fly to land safely?" Nian Yue raised her eyebrows.

The pilot choked on her question. He was indeed not confident of driving out of this area in half an hour.

Before her brain could react, her body had already started operating.