Let Me Show You the Savant (1)

Inside a black room, Fu Xiuyuan was still holding a pale jade in his hand. The energy inside was very weak and one could barely feel it.

Jiang Jincheng came in with a stack of documents. "Where do you think Nian Yue got this stone?"

This kind of stone was extremely difficult to find. Otherwise, he and Fu Xiuyuan wouldn't have rushed over the last time it appeared in Jiang City.

"I asked for it." Fu Xiuyuan said calmly, his face expressionless.

Jiang Jincheng touched his chin and thought about it. He had already guessed it.

It was likely that this stone was not very valuable. At most, it could come in handy during an emergency..

"But why did I hear that she had not gone to class these past few days?"

Because Duan Yu had his contact details, Jiang Jincheng would even chat with Nian Yue on the phone occasionally.

He knew that Nian Yue was not in school now.

"She went to the military base. You know that."