New Cadet (4)

When Xu Mo and the bodyguard came out of the canteen, they saw the noble man.

"How can there be someone driving such a car in a place like the Imperial University?" Xu Qing said from the side, her voice full of disdain.

This was the Imperial Capital and the Imperial University. Those who could attend school here were either rich or noble.

This was the first time she had seen such a person driving a car that did not have a license plate.

Xu Mo glanced at the man. The man was only wearing a black windbreaker, and his body exuded elegance.

She knew better than anyone that someone who could drive a car without a license plate in the Imperial Capital had to have a high status.

Maybe it was the man standing at the top of the pyramid.

"Who knows?" Xu Mo sneered. "Be good in school. Don't cause trouble for me."