The Arrogant Number One Freshman (2)

When she returned to the dormitory, Wang Zhizhi had already sent her the information. "This is the information you wanted…"

Nian Yue turned on her computer. The information on it was dense and there were a lot of professional terms.

Since she had received a lot of medical books from Lin Lang , she was able to make sense of the medical terms in this era.

However, the document Wang Zhizhi gave her still had many unfamiliar things.

She flipped through it for a long time but did not see anything useful.

"This is fake." Nian Yue rubbed her temples. She had personally looked for Fu Xiuyuan's information back then. With the multiple encryptions, even she could not crack it.

It seemed like the best solution was for her to ask him personally.

Nian Yue rubbed her brows and suddenly wondered why she was so concerned about Fu Xiuyuan. Her beautiful brows furrowed slightly. Nian Yue could not figure it out, so she decided not to think about it.