Young People Should not be too Rash (1)

Nian Yue had been searching for books on supernatural power in the Imperial University library.

She didn't see much information on Island H last time. Most of it was about Fu Xiuyuan's supernatural power.


And bewitchment…

Both of them were considered pretty good in terms of other abilities.

Although the library at the Imperial University could not compare to H University, it had a lot of information and she could always find something.

Lin Lang sent her a message.

"You said that your wood power has been awakened?"

The aloof girl was leaning against the bookshelf, holding a book in one hand and typing on her phone with the other. Light from the outside shone on her cold side profile, covering it with a yellow glow.

"Yes. The last time I was injured, my body recovered within 24 hours."

She had dual-elemental powers. Electric power was the main power, while wood power was the auxiliary power.