Brain Dead (2)

Yin Han had too many secrets. In order to prevent eavesdropping, he had a special supply of electricity.

As for outsiders, they blocked all signals.

It was not like this had never happened before.

However, for some reason, everyone felt flustered today.

Four hours later

L Base

This was a huge research base. The trees inside were lush. The sun shone down on them, making the scenery somewhat blurry.

"What are you doing here?"

Jiang Jincheng was a little puzzled.

It was obvious that this was a research base.

"Looking for someone." Fu Xiuyuan didn't even look up as the two of them alighted from the private jet.

He was still carrying her in his arms. The cold girl's eyes were tightly shut at this moment. Because she had lost too much blood for too long, her face was so pale that it was translucent.

Fu Xiuyuan's eyes were deep and his grip on her hand tightened subconsciously.