Which Qian Jiyun?

They were unsure of what to do next. The Chief was anxious, so he summoned the Junior Officer to discuss this matter. They had to think of a way for everyone to survive.

However, they could not decide on anything.

An Jiuyue thought for a moment and replied, "You can roast the wild boar meat in the afternoon today. I'll go back into the mountains later to see if I can hunt anything else. We can also ask everyone to gather more vegetables. There will be enough to eat."

"You're going into the mountains again?" Aunt Ju looked at her worriedly.

"I'll look around again," An Jiuyue said.

There were so many people here. They could not possibly survive on vegetable porridge alone.

"I'll bring out the other piece of wild boar meat from my kitchen if we are really out of food. We have to let the people eat. We can't keep everyone starving."