I Was Lucky and Did Not Die

As the former daughter of a county magistrate, she had heard of Ming Gu County. It was the poorest county in the country.

None of the county magistrates there held office for long. They either withdrew or were charged with all sorts of crimes and eventually beheaded.

County magistrates sent to Ming Gu County were usually those who had offended someone—and offended them big time.

An Jiuyue replied indifferently, "Where he goes is none of my business."

Both she and the Host no longer had anything to do with Lan Zhengfeng. The Host severed ties with him and even changed her name because she was thoroughly disappointed in her father.

Meanwhile, she never had any sort of relationship with Lan Zhengfeng.

"Are you here to take Zheng'er and Rong'er away?" she asked, looking at him.