Feels Safer

"Let's not talk about her. Jiyun, do you have any news? Is my prescription useful?"

It was not the time to care about Wang Xing'er now. An Jiuyue was most concerned about whether her prescription would help mitigate the epidemic.

"I ordered someone to pass the prescription to an imperial physician I'm familiar with. He wants me to ask you what you want in exchange for the prescription," Qian Jiyun replied.

An Jiuyue was stunned by his question. "Huh?"

What conditions? What does he mean?

"What do I want in exchange? What do you mean?" she asked.

Qian Yiyun explained, "Sister Jiuyue, your prescription is valuable. How can you give it away so casually? He's saying that the imperial physician asked if there is anything you want in exchange for this prescription. He'll do whatever you say."

An Jiuyue finally understood what he meant. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"It's just a prescription. Is there a need for this?"