Did This Man Beat Me to It?

Coincidentally, the men on duty arrived in time to witness Aunt Wang leading a group of strangers up the mountain.

"Oh no!" They were shocked.

Everyone in the An Clan Village knew Aunt Wang wanted to sell An Jiuyue's son.

"Is Aunt Wang, that vicious woman, targeting Jiuyue's child again?"

The two guards exchanged glances and found the confirmation in each other's eyes. They cursed Old An and his family in their hearts.

"Ju Zi, you guard the village entrance, and I'll go to the Chief and the Junior Officer. Jiuyue is our village's benefactor. We can't let her be bullied!"

"Alright. Go quickly." Ju Zi nodded and added, "Get the Chief and the Junior Officer to round up a few more people."

If it weren't for the fact that guarding the village entrance was also very important, he would have followed him. He really wanted to go and beat her up to vent his anger.