Why Are All the Children Gone?

"Greetings, Master. Greetings, Young Masters."

An Jiuyue set the children down so they could stand.

"Zheng'er, Rong'er, I bought these people to take care of you. You can look for them if you need anything in the future. I'll also bring Lu'er, Zhou'er, and Xing'er home later. You can play together," she said.

"Okay, Mother!"

Qian Yizheng held Qian Yirong's small hand. They proceed to study the residence hand-in-hand.

They had been living on the mountain for as long as they could remember. They had never seen such a large residence and were so happy they were at a loss of what to do.

"Servant One, Servant Two, boil some water and bathe Zheng'er and Rong'er."

An Jiuyue settled Zheng'er and Rong'er into the residence. She watched them familiarize themselves with the five servants.

After comforting them a little more, she exited the microcosmic space.