You... Help Him Quickly!

His words were also a reminder to An Feng and the others not to spout nonsense. Borrowing and stealing were two different things. Nothing would happen to them if they insisted they were here to borrow.

"Shut up. I didn't ask you—" The Junior Officer shouted.

However, before he could finish speaking, he saw a figure pounce on An Gouzi.

An Gouzi screamed and squatted on the ground as An Jiuyue's fists rained down on him.

"Borrow? Try saying you're here to borrow again! Do you really think I'm a good-tempered person? Do you really think you can trample me however you want?

"I would have left you hanging from the tree for a few days and let you starve to death if I didn't respect the Chief and the Junior Officer! How dare you spout nonsense with me here? Did I allow you to speak?"

"Jiu… Jiuyue…"