Why You Can't Get Out Of Bed!

"That's right. How can a woman go against a man? No matter what happens, she should just endure it. It's wrong to hit someone."

The housewives changed the conversation and began criticizing An Jiuyue for hitting someone.

Of course, Wei Na heard the conversation. It could not resist remarking, "These people have too much free time."

So what if my master hit someone? What has it got to do with them? Endure it? Endure my ass!

According to them, they deserve to be beaten up! Is it right for men to hit women, but not for women to hit men? What kind of twisted logic is that?

"Why are you listening to them? They want to be beaten up. Will you be able to persuade them to retaliate?" An Jiuyue said to Wei Na in amusement.

She did not care what others said. She would live her life and do whatever she wanted.

"Let's go to An Gouzi's house and check out how this person who can't get out of bed is doing," she said.