Quite Tiring to Have Nothing to Do

"Is there any work you want me to do?" he asked.

"I see!" An Feng believed him and nodded earnestly. "You can do some light work. Miss Qian is bundling straw over there. Why don't you go do that?"

Upon hearing this, An Gouzi looked in Qian Yiyun's direction and saw her bundling straw. It was an easy task, and he knew how to do it.

However, he glanced in An Jiuyue's direction.

He suspected An Jiuyue would come over and beat him up to vent her anger if he snatched Qian Yiyun's job.

No, An Jiuyue would definitely do it!

"That's a woman's job. How can I do it? I'd better chop wood."

He shook his head and decided not to snatch Qian Yiyun's job. It was safer to chop firewood as he would not be beaten up.

"You can chop the wood slowly since you're not well, Brother Dog. We'll do the rest," An Feng reminded worriedly.

"Got it, got it," An Gouzi responded weakly, but he wondered if he could really chop slowly.