18 Stockaded Villages


Deputy General Sun was dumbfounded. Why was he the one sent to accompany her now?

"Yes, I'll make arrangements now," he replied.

Does the princess consort not want Yan Nuo to accompany her because he said something that angered her?

No, no, that's not right. General must be sending Yan Nuo to do something even more important!

As expected, Qian Jiyun focused his attention on Yan Nuo after giving him instructions.

"Bring your men to investigate this matter personally. You have to find out the truth. If they really have the guts to do such a thing, I'll make sure they die without a burial ground!"

"Yes, General." Yan Nuo accepted the order and turned around to leave immediately.

The deputy generals watched Yan Nuo leave, confused about what happened.

"What's going…"