Are You Serious?

He sneered at the thought of being summoned to the palace.

He did not expect that not only did his father want him to go to the southern border to die, but that his mother was also eager for him to go.

Does my mother truly believe I can survive and have a place at the southern border based on my performance in the capital all these years?

Isn't she thinking too highly of me? I'll lose even if I go against Qian Jiyun with all I have, right?

"Go and investigate the lady Qian Jiyun brought back."

"I've already sent people to investigate," Wei Ran replied.

He seemed to have thought of something and looked up again.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. I've already instructed the secret guards to retreat immediately if they discover anything amiss. We won't let Prince Zhan Yun's men discover us."

Prince De nodded, indicating that he understood.