It Was All Very New

This young lady is really evil!

She has only recently arrived in the capital and is already sowing discord among us. Who knows what will happen in the future?

No! I can't let a young lady ruin my relationship with Second Brother, right?

He could not let An Jiuyue stay in the Prince Zhan Yun Residence forever. He had to think of a way to get rid of her. Gong Cheng fell into deep thought.

Is there any way to take An Jiuyue away from the Prince Zhan Yun Residence?

What if I do something? That won't do. If Second Brother finds out, he'll kill me! The best solution is to have Second Brother chase her away personally.

But An Jiuyue has bewitched Second Brother. Why would he chase her away? Unless there is a new lady—better, gentler, and more trustworthy—to replace An Jiuyue…

Gong Cheng took a deep breath and glanced at Yu Yan'er.