They Had Underestimated Her

The men in black were dumbfounded.

They had no idea the woman they thought was harmless could be so ruthless. Yan Nuo had yet to do anything to them, but she had already killed their companion.

"Charge! Let's take her down together!"

The men in black did not dare underestimate An Jiuyue anymore and rushed toward her together.

A long whip can only be used on one person. There are so many of us! Do we even have to worry that she'll kill us all?

However, they were wrong. After An Jiuyue dealt with one of them, she swung her whip again and wrapped it around another's waist.

Glancing to the side, she swung him and swept away all the other men in black at the same time. They had been charging at her rapidly and could not stop in time, falling to the side passively.

The whip's grip tightened around the man, and his waist snapped with a crack.

"Ah!" the man screamed, his face flushing red from the pain.