Say That Again If You Dare!

Obviously not!

"Ye Chenglin, have I been too good to you and spoiled you? Is this how you address Mistress?"

The veins on his forehead bulged as he questioned Ye Chenglin.

They were standing outside Mistress's tent, and Master could hear everything.

Did she not know her place at all? Or did she think Master would choose her over Mistress?

It was ridiculous!

"I—" Ye Chenglin gritted her teeth.

She was used to addressing An Jiuyue as such and had never considered whether it was appropriate.

However, she could not bring herself to call An Jiuyue "Mistress". What right did a useless woman like her have?

"Even so, Master cannot send Qin Yifeng and me to the Spirit Severing Cliff because of this. Can we survive in that godforsaken place?"

She turned around with tears in her eyes and looked at the tent. She could vaguely see her master through the gap in the curtain.

Is Master really that ruthless?