Are You Happy That Someone Has Been Poisoned?

She would not ask her master to send An Jiuyue away. She only wanted to return to the camp first.

She fully understood how cruel the protected grounds were. They were actually battling the Grim Reaper here. If they were not careful, they might die.

She could only deal with An Jiuyue if she returned to the camp.

I won't be stupid and deal with An Jiuyue openly this time. I'm a medicine refiner. I can kill someone secretly, can't I?

Master will no longer care about An Jiuyue after she's dead. If I stay by his side and console him, he'll definitely fall for me.

"I have the antidote pill, but it's not with me now."

She could not help but smile secretly. She was so happy that her wounds did not hurt much anymore.

Yan Jin saw her gloating and questioned her coldly, "Ye Chenglin, are you happy that someone has been poisoned?"