The Root System Was the Hardest to Dig Out

"Can this worm be eaten? It's disgusting."

"Disgusting, my foot!" An Jiuyue scolded him angrily.

Were insects inedible? They were also meat, okay? Besides, was this a matter of eating?

"Budding Icy Heart Worms are worms that can continuously produce spiritual energy. If there are a few of these worms on a medicinal herb, the spiritual energy and medicinal properties of the herbs around it will definitely be better than others. The success rate of refining medicinal pills with it will increase by over 20%," she explained.

"Unfortunately, there's only one."

What a shame! If there were two of them, a male and a female, that would be fantastic!

"Master, you're stupid!" Wei Na rolled his eyes and mocked her.

"Since there's one here, there must be a second and third one. Where did these herbs come from? Can't you just ask that guy?"