The Legendary Seven-Colored Lotus Seeds

"No." An Jiuyue thought for a moment and shook her head.

"I'll think of another way. I'm really worried about letting them out."

If she allowed the two children to go outside, she wouldn't have to spend her time refining medicine anymore. Instead, she would be constantly worrying about them.

"The warrior-servants are powerful, but they're not real people. There are many things they can't think of. I'm worried."

"Let Yan Nuo accompany them," Qian Jiyun suggested.

An Jiuyue looked up and glanced at him before shaking her head again.

Yan Nuo should be assigned to more important tasks. It was already a waste of his talent to have him hovering in front of her. She would not be able to get over it if he had to accompany the two children too.