Lord Tang Is So Generous

But so what?

Everyone had their own secrets.

"Did you know that I went to borrow some medicinal pills from Qian Jiyun because I nearly ran out of medicinal pills in my camp yesterday? He dismissed me! He said he didn't have enough medicinal pills! That he didn't have any!"

He ranted angrily.

It was true that he had asked Qian Jiyun if he had any medicinal pills yesterday. If Qian Jiyun did not have any to spare, he had planned to ask the people who were standing in front of him. In any case, wouldn't it be a waste not to accept something given for free?

"I tried to borrow some from him—and of course, I'll return them—but he refused to give me any. What kind of person is he? Seriously!"

Shang Ningyi shot a look at one of the lords, who then smiled at Fu Ming and said, "Don't be upset, Lord Fu. If you've used up all of your medicinal pills, just let us know and we'll send some to you."

"You all are the best!"