Settle the Scores With Him

Of course, he could not say that. He could only agree.

"Alright, I'll look for you if something happens in the future."

As he spoke, he suddenly remembered the two young masters washing the rabbits by the river and left quickly.

In Camp Ning Se…

The two guardians, who were barely recognizable, stumbled their way back.

As they were not paying attention to where they were going, one of them bumped into Shang Ningluo, who was on her way to the camp's vegetable field to gather some vegetables.


Of course, Shang Ningluo was no match for the burly guardian. She was sent flying upon impact.

The two guardians sensed they had collided with someone. They were momentarily stunned before squinting their eyes, nearly blinded after the beating. They immediately saw Shang Ningluo lying on the ground.

They were speechless.