This Cheater...

Soon, a set of Seven-Colored Lotus Seeds was in her palm. She first placed a purple lotus seed in the Points Mall, which showed that it was worth 500,000 points.

She could not help but gasp.

500,000 points was a lot. Selling 14 of them would earn her 7,000,000 points.

Hence, she took two sets of Seven-Colored Lotus Seeds and entered the Points Mall. She looked up and stared blankly at the two options displayed in the Points Mall.

The first option was to sell each lotus seed separately for 500,000 points. The second option was to sell the two sets of Seven-Colored Lotus Seeds for a combined total of 28 million points—14 million points per set.

"This cheater…" She could not help but mutter to herself.

She would not have known that she could sell the entire set at once if she had not been given options. Moreover, the points would increase by four times!