Is He Crazy?

"Camp Bai Ze did something shady, right?"

Some people were very puzzled, but they spoke with certainty.

If Camp Bai Ze had not done something shady, why would the demonic beasts only attack Camp Bai Ze? Moreover, there were so many demonic beasts gathered there.

They could guarantee that even if all of them went to help, they might not be able to kill those demonic beasts. They might even lose their own people.

Yan Nuo was among them. He remarked, "Haven't many cubs been captured recently? Is it related to this?"


"No way?!"

"How dare they?!"

A few people shouted at the same time. There was shock and anger in their voices.

Huayan Peak explicitly prohibited hunting demonic beast cubs. It was not out of benevolence, but because adult demonic beasts would go crazy and attack them all at once if they touched the cubs.

No camp could withstand the joint attack of Huayan Peak's demonic beasts.