What Was There to Read?

The two of them were still reading, paying attention to every word.

In the space, An Jiuyue rested her chin on her hands, staring blankly at the people outside and the words on the books they were holding.

"Wei Na, how long do you think I have to wait before I can go out?"

"Master, why don't you… go to the Suspended Pavilion to take a look? You might be able to find out the reason instead of just speculating," Wei Na reminded her.

"That works too." An Jiuyue's eyes lit up.

However, she stopped in her tracks and blinked before turning to look at Wei Na.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If I could read the books in the Suspended Pavilion, I would have done so long ago. Why would I need to lock eyes with you here?"

She could not read the books in the Suspended Pavilion. She could not even get her hands on them.

Read? What was there to read?