Why Are You Hiding?

"Transformation." An Jiuyue looked up at him and replied.

"No one else can see it except me. But once it learns the level-one skill and transforms, everyone will be able to see it."

Someone asked, "Does it mean it'll grow bigger and transform into something bigger?"

"It can transform into many types of small beasts and even humans," An Jiuyue explained.

However, she omitted the fact that the Flame Fox had to be at a higher level to transform into a human. At level one, it could only become a kitten or another to play with others and be visible to everyone.

"Jiyun, we've found the little guy. Let's go back."


When Qian Jiyun saw her hands turn, he knew she had sent Flame Fox into her space. He held her hand and instructed everyone, "Descend the mountain."

"Yes, Hall Master," Yan Feng and the others replied in unison and prepared to leave the mountain.