Whether He’s Blood-Related to the Ling Family

"There's no need to see him."

Mo Aotian shook his head quickly. Why should the Hall Mistress go see an old man?

"Give me an hour. I'll draw a portrait of Master Ling and you'll know what he looks like."

"Then draw it," Qian Jiyun replied without waiting for An Jiuyue to speak.

Yan Feng immediately instructed someone to bring a brush and ink. He sent Mo Aotian to the desk and asked him to draw quickly.

Mo Aotian, who was forcefully pulled to the table, wondered if these people were taking him seriously. Was he meant to be exploited?

However, he decided to forget it. Since the Hall Mistress wanted to know what Master Ling looked like, he would draw him. He could also use this chance to show everyone in Jun Lin Hall what he looked like.

In less than an hour, a portrait of Master Ling was completed.