A Lot of Secrets

"Why can't you take a joke?" Zhao Xiaoli rolled her eyes at him.

"Get me a place to sit first. I'm carrying a lot of things. You don't know how to come and help me?"

"You're the one who decided to bring these things. How's that got to do with me?" Although Qian Liuguang said that, he still reached out and took them from her.

"Follow me."

He led her into a room.

The interior of the room looked the same as the outside. There was no tiled roof either. Looking up, they could see the sunlight shining directly at them.

They sat down at the stone table. Zhao Xiaoli poured him a cup of tea and handed it to him.

"Drink this. I made this especially for you."

Qian Liuguang took it but did not drink it. Instead, he brought it to his nose and sniffed it.

He only appeared a little satisfied after confirming that there was no poison.