What Are You Trying to Do?

With Eldest Young Master Long around, the Long family would never fully belong to Lord Long, right?

"Since you recognize us, there's no need to hide anymore. Open the sack," he said to Mo Aotian.

"Mhm," Mo Aotian replied, sending a stream of demonic energy toward the sack, piercing a hole through it.

"Ah!" Eldest Young Master Long was also slightly injured by the demonic energy and screamed again.

"Tsk!" Bai Ze raised his hand and dug his ear with his index finger.

Eldest Young Master Long screamed over such a small injury. How delicate was he that he could not even be touched?

"Eldest Young Master Long, were you raised like a pig?"

He walked up to Eldest Young Master Long, crouched down, and looked into his eyes as he struggled to sit up.

He was impressed by his level of stupidity. He did not know if he was really stupid or pretending to be stupid, but he would rather believe the latter.

"You… What do you mean?"