Demon Destruction Valley

Mo Aotian pulled Eldest Young Master Long. He wondered when Mo Aotian became so close to the people from Jun Lin Hall. Even if the Mo family attached themselves to Jun Lin Hall, they would only be a lackey. Would Bai Ze be so polite to Mo Aotian?

In Jun Lin Hall's water prison…

Eldest Young Master Long, Qian Liuguang, the people from the Chai family, as well as Young Master Nie and his maternal family, were locked up together.

The guards guarding the water prison even teased them, saying that they were quite a fateful group—all locked up because of Zhao Xiaoli.

Upon hearing that, Master Chai was furious.

I don't want to be fated with these people! I have nothing to do with Zhao Xiaoli. If not for my son, Chai Qingyu, I would really…

Unfortunately, he could not think of doing anything. He could only be locked in Jun Lin Hall's water prison and wait for Mo Aotian to come.