No Doubt About That

"Jiyun, we have to speed up," An Jiuyue said to Qian Jiyun.

"Okay." Qian Jiyun looked at her and nodded.

Although he wanted to end the battle quickly, he was still worried about her and reminded her, "Head back to the boat. Leave this to me."

An Jiuyue listened to him and returned to the boat obediently.

Wei Na was even more speechless. She was the successor of the Demon Heart. Why was she so obedient? Besides, her strength was evident. Even if she could not kill the Sky Whale, she could at least injure it, right?

"Master, you should join them! The Sky Whale can't hurt you either!" Wei Na reminded her.

An Jiuyue rolled her eyes secretly.

She could do it, but she was afraid. She was not afraid of pain or being injured by the Sky Whale, but she was afraid Qian Jiyun would be distracted.